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Scientist at Volcanological Observatory - INGEOMINAS, COLOMBIA
Address: Carrera 98 No. 16-00, Cali, COLOMBIA Phone number: 57-092-3395221 Fax number: 57-092-3395156 e-mail: ggarzon@ingeominas.gov.co garzon@yandex.ru |
Colmenares, A.J., GARZON, G., Tchkhaidze, K. 1994. Physicochemical, Biological and Social studies in Buenaventura bay, Colombia. Institute of Pacific Studies, Universidad del Valle, Technical report. Cali, Colombia, 25pp. (in spanish)
GARZON, G., 1991. General Chemistry. Universidad del Valle, Centro de Recursos Educativos-CREE. Seven teleconferences published in Compact Disc. Story Board software. Cali, Colombia. (in spanish) GARZON, G. 1989. Feasiblety study for a new education program in electrochemical technology. Faculty of Sciences, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia, 74pp. (in spanish) Garcia, L. and GARZON, G., 1987. Physics. Three chapters of a textbook for students of technology. Instituto Pascual Bravo/Universidad del Valle, Ed. Feriva Ltda., Cali, Colombia, 257-357. (in spanish) Petujova, R. and GARZON, G., Podlovchenko, B., 1987. Электрохимическое модифицирование угольных электродов микроколичествами палладия (Electrochemical modification of carbon electrodes with adatoms of palladium). Vestnik Moskoskogo Universiteta, Ser. 2, Khimia, Moscow, Russia, 28 (1): 62-66. (in russian) GARZON, G., 1986. Проблемы высшего образования в развивающихся странах (Main difficulties in high educational programs in the development countries). XXII Scientific Conference, Educational session, People s Friendship University, Moscow, Russia, 2. (in russian) GARZON, G., 1986. Развитие технологического обучения в Университете дел Валья в Колумбии (Developments in technological education in the Universidad del Valle, Colombia). XXII Scientific Conference, Educational session, People s Friendship University, Moscow, Russia, 3. (in russian) GARZON, G., Podlovchenko, B., Petujova, R., 1985. Electrochemical behavior of Carbon electrodes, modificated with microportions of Palladium. First PanAmerican Chemical Congress, Session: Electrophysicochemistry, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 25. GARZON, G., Petukhova, R., Podlovchenko, B., 1984. Электрокаталитическое поведение дисперсного паладия, нанесенного на угульную тканъ (Electrochemical behavior of palladium scattered in carbon clothes). XX Scientific Conference, Physicochemical Session, People s Friendship University, Moscow, Russia, 29. (in russian) Id Katrin, W., GARZON, G., Pavlova, G., Kondrasheva, V., 1983. Разработка метода нанесения грануларных плёнок серебра (Study of a new method for the deposition of a silver thin). XIX Scientific Conference, Physicochemical session, People s Friendship University, Moscow, Russia, 17. (in russian) Gregoriev, Yu. and GARZON, G., 1981. Kpисталлохимия комплексных соединений, содержащих тиокарбамид (Crystallochemistry of complex Tiocarbamide compounds). XVII Scientific Conference, Inorganic Chemical Session, People s Friendship University, Moscow, Russia, 11. (in russian) Gregoriev, Yu., GARZON, G., Akimov, V., 1980. Строение молекулы тиокарбамида в комплексных соединениях (Structure of Tiocarbamide molecules in complex compounds). XVI Scientific Conference, Inorganic Chemical Session, People s Friendship University, Moscow, Russia, 12. (in russian) |