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Scientist at Volcanological Observatory - INGEOMINAS, COLOMBIA
Address: Carrera 98 No. 15-A-91, Cali, COLOMBIA Phone number: 57-092-3395221 Fax number: 57-092-3395156 e-mail: ggarzon@ingeominas.gov.co garzon@yandex.ru |
Galle, B., Platt, U., Van Roozendael, M., Oppenheimer, C., Hansteen, T., Boudon, G., Burton, M., Delgado, H., Strauch, W., Malavassi, E., GARZON, G., Pullinger, C., Kasereka, M., Molina, M., Carn, S. 2006. A Global Network for Observation of Volcanic Gas emissions and studies of Atmospheric Change. The Third International DOAS Workshop, Bremen, Germany, 20 - 22 March, 2006.
http://troposat.iup.uni-heidelberg.de/AT2/DOAS_workshop/doas_WS_2006.html Faber, E., Teschner, M., Torres, R., Silva, B., Ortega, A., Poggenburg, J., GARZON, G., Gomez, D. 2006. Geochemical and geophysical signals in data from fluids in volcanic fumaroles. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 8, 03960 (3er EGU General Assembly. Vienna, Austria, 02 - 07 April 2006) ISSN online 1607-7962 http://www.cosis.net/abstracts/EGU06/03960/EGU06-J-03960.pdf Galle, B., Platt, U., Van Roozendael, M., Oppenheimer, C., Hansteen, T., Boudon, G., Burton, M., Delgado, H., Strauch, W., Malavassi, E., GARZON, G., Pullinger, C., Kasereka, M., Molina, M., Carn, S. 2006. Netz fur Beobachtung der vulkanischen und atmospharischen Anderung In: The Second GAC Conference 2006, Gothenburg, Sweden. Book of Abstracts. Goteborg Atmospheric Science Centre, 2006. http://www.miljo.chalmers.se/gac/conference_may06/gac_c2_06.html GARZON, G., Martinez, L., Cardenas, R., Cardona, C., Ordonez, M., Bobadilla, L. 2006. Volcanic lakes in Colombia: an overview. Cities on Volcanoes 4th Conference. Quito, Ecuador. 23 – 27 January, 2006. http://www.citiesonvolcanoes4.com/ Galle, B., Platt, U., Van Roozendael, M., Oppenheimer, C., Hansteen, T., Boudon, G., Burton, M., Delgado, H., Strauch, W., Malavassi, E., GARZON, G., Pullinger, C., Kasereka, M., Molina, M., Carn, S. 2006. NOVAC – Network for Observation of Volcanic and Atmospheric Change. Cities on Volcanoes 4th Conference. Quito, Ecuador. 23 – 27 January, 2006. http://www.citiesonvolcanoes4.com/ Faber, E., Torres, R., Silva, B., Teschner, M., Ortega, A., Poggenburg, J., Gomez, D.M., GARZON, G. 2006. Galeras Volcano, Colombia – Observations with a gas monitoring system. Cities on Volcanoes 4th Conference. Quito, Ecuador. 23 – 27 January, 2006. http://www.citiesonvolcanoes4.com/ GARZON, G. 2006. Natural radioactive hazard. Revista Entorno Geografico. Departamento de Geografia, Facultad de Humanidades, Universidad del Valle, 10pp. (in review). ISSN 1692-0074 (in spanish) GARZON, G., Bobadilla, L., Teschner, M., Lesmes, L.E., Faber, E. 2006. Physicochemistry of thermal springs at colombian active volcanoes. II Congreso Colombiano de Hidrogeologia. Abril 5 -7, 2006, Bucaramanga, Colombia. (in spanish) GARZON, G. 2006. Monitoring and researches of geogases and waters in volcanic environments. INGEOMINAS, Internal report, 131 pp. (in spanish) GARZON, R., Laverde, C., Ponce, P. 2006. Installation of a SCANDOAS for continuous measurements of gas fluxes from Galeras volcano. INGEOMINAS, Internal report, 19pp. (in spanish) GARZON, G., Carvajal, C., Salazar, S.P. 2005. Evaluation of radiactive geohazard at South East of Manizales city, Colombia. Symposium "Physics and Society" - World s year of Physics. Bogota, September, 2005 (in spanish) Faber, E., Torres, R., Silva, B., Teschner, M., Ortega, A., Poggenburg, J., Gomez, D., GARZON, G., Weinlich, F. 2005. Increased activity of Galeras volcano, Colombia – Observations with a gas monitoring system. IAVCEI Commission on the Chemistry of Volcanic Gases, 9th Gas Workshop, Southern Italy, 1st to 10th May, 2005. GARZON, G. and Hincapie, W. 2005. Radon signals in relation to earthquakes events in Colombia. Geochemical Journal, special issue: The Applications of Gas Geochemistry in Geosciences. Tokyo, Japan, 9pp. (in review) ISSN 0016-7002 GARZON, G., Salazar, S.P., Serna, D.Y., Bobadilla, L., Lesmes, L.E., Diago, J.C., Mojica, J. 2004. Thermal springs at colombian active volcanoes. 11th International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction. Saratoga springs, New York, USA. http://www.outreach.psu.edu/c&i/wri/ Salazar, S.P., Hincapie, W.A., GARZON, G. 2004. Radon gas: a radioactive geohazard. Boletin de Geologia, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia, 26 (42): 87 – 93. (in spanish) ISSN 0120-0283 Lesmes, L.E., Bobadilla, L., Hernandez, M.L., Canon, Y., Mojica, J., GARZON, G. 2004. Mineralogy and physicochemistry of thermal springs at Narino district in Colombia. Boletin de Geologia, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia, 26 (42): 57 – 66. (in spanish) ISSN 0120-0283 Salazar, S.P., Serna, D.Y., GARZON, G. 2004. The isotope Radon-222 and seismic events in Colombia. First Latinoamerican Seismological Congress. Armenia, Colombia. August 16 - 21, 2004. http://www.uniquindio.edu.co/eventos/sismologia/index.html Serna, D., Moran, C., Hernandez, M., GARZON, G., 2003. A review of radon anomalies registered before colombian seismic events. Geofisica Colombiana. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Bogota. 7: 49 – 54. (in spanish) ISSN 0121-2974 Faber, E., Moran, C., Poggenburg, J., GARZON, G., Teschner, M. 2003. Gas Monitoring at Galeras Volcano, Colombia: First evidence. In: P. Hellweg, M. Calvache, S. Falsaperla (Editors), Understanding volcanoes through multiparameter measurement and their interpretation, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 125 (1-2): 13-23. (http://www.elsevier.com/) ISSN 0377-0273 GARZON, G., Serna, D., Diago, J., Moran, C. 2003. Radon soil increases before volcano-tectonic earthquakes in Colombia. 7th International Conference on Gas Geochemistry, September 22–26, 2003., Freiberg, Germany. 1-2. (http://www.copernicus.org/ICGG7/extended_abstracts/icgg00027.pdf) Salazar, S., Carvajal, C., GARZON, G. 2003. Radiological geohazard survey in the south east of Manizales city (Colombia). 7th International Conference on Gas Geochemistry, September 22-26, 2003., Freiberg, Germany. 3-5. (http://www.copernicus.org/ICGG7/extended_abstracts/icgg00040.pdf) Serna, D., Diago, J., Moran, C., GARZON, G. 2003. Gas monitoring at colombian active volcanoes. 7th International Conference on Gas Geochemistry, September 22-26, 2003., Freiberg, Germany. 6-7. (http://www.copernicus.org/ICGG7/extended_abstracts/icgg00041.pdf) Diago, J.C., Serna, D.Y., Moran, E.C., GARZON, G. 2003. World-wide technological tendencies for gas monitoring at volcanoes. IX Colombian Geological Congress, Medellin, July 30 - August 1, 2003. 148-149. (in spanish) (http://www.accefyn.org.co/geologia.htm) ISBN 958-33-5048-6 Solano, C., Diago, J.C., Londono, R., Riascos, Y., GARZON, G., Rubio, M.V. 2003. Geochemical interpretation of thermal springs at Purace volcano. IX Colombian Geological Congress, Medellin, July 30 - August 1, 2003. 149-150. (in spanish) (http://www.accefyn.org.co/geologia.htm) ISBN 958-33-5048-6 Faber, E., Moran, C., Poggenburg, J., GARZON, G., Teschner, M., Weinlich, F. 2003. Continuous Gas Monitoring at the Galeras volcano, Colombia. EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, April 6-11, 2003. GRA P1813. (http://www.copernicus.org/egsagueug/index.html) Faber, E., Moran, C., Poggenburg, J., GARZON, G., Teschner, M., Weinlich, F., Streil, T. 2003. Radon and CO2 in geologic research of volcanoes and earthquakes. International Conference ENOR III Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactivity. Dresden, Germany, 3 – 7 March, 2003. Book of Abstracts, p. 14. (http://www.sarad.de/Conference/Book_of_ Abstracts.pdf) GARZON, G., Moran, C., Serna, D., Diago, J. 2003. Physicochemistry of volcanic fluids in Colombia. 8th Field Workshop on Volcanic Gases. International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth Interior - AVCEI, The Commission on the Chemistry of Volcanic Gases - CCVG, Latinoamerican session, Nicaragua - Costa Rica. March 26 - April 1, 2003. 93. (in spanish) Serna, D., Diago, J., Moran, C., GARZON, G. 2003. Gas Monitoring at Colombian Volcanoes. 8th Field Workshop on Volcanic Gases. International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth Interior - AVCEI, The Commission on the Chemistry of Volcanic Gases - CCVG, General session, Nicaragua - Costa Rica. March 26 - April 1, 2003. 92. |
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